Friday, August 3, 2012

10 eLearning design rules you must follow to succeed

  1. Design is not painting pretty pictures; it is about telling stories.
  2. Design is going from complex to simple.
  3. Use graphics to educate, not decorate
  4. Ensure multimedia is adding value, not Vegas.
  5. Instructional design and creative design go hand-in-hand.
  6. Be wise: "Life is abut using the whole box of crayons" and lots of white space.
  7. Make a list of the top 5 ideas you need to teach in your eLearning project.
  8. Color is to learning as water is to ocean. It cannot be one without the other.
  9. Eliminate bullet points - your learners will thank you for it.
  10. Always review and revise your designs and make it simple, short and precise, without any unnecessary information. 

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